Church charts

The Church Of Christ Charts

A Clean Church
A Sound Church of Christ
Acts 2 – Everything Was Right
An Acrostic on the Church
An Acrostic on Worship
And the Lord Added to the Church
Arguments Used in Favor of Instrumental Music
Characteristics of a Great Church
Choosing a Church
Choosing a Home Congregation
Christ and the Church
Christ Wants Unity in His Church
Christians Are Commanded to Pray
Church & The kingdom – Are They the Same?
Church Attendance
Church Growth Statements in the Book of Acts
Conditions of Acceptable Prayer
Dangerous Nations Facing the Church
Daniel’s Prophecy of the Kingdom
Denominationalism Contradicts the Bible – 1
Denominationalism Contradicts the Bible – 2
Departures from the Faith
Determining When and Where the Church was Established – 1
Determining When and Where the Church was Established – 2
Disorders in the Church at Corinth
Elders – New Testament Terms of Meaning
Establishment of God’s Kingdom
Excuses for Not Attending Worship
Five Thoughts about Giving
Four Looks At the Lord’s Supper
Four Steps to Apostasy
Four Things Necessary to Constitute a Kingdom
God’s Plan for Giving
Great Needs of the Church
Great Statements about the Church
Great Statements of the Restoration Movement
Helps for Worship
Hindrances to Acceptable Prayer
How important is the Lord’s Church in Your Life?
How Many Churches Are There?
How the Church Worships
How to Become a Member of the Church
How to Build Up the Church
How to Prepare for Worship
How We Worship God Each Lord’s Day*
I Will Build My Church
Introducing the Church of Christ
Isms” That Attack the Church
Lost People in the Church
Loving the Church
Members That Hurt the Church
Men Needed in the Church
Men NOT needed in the Church
Misconceptions Concerning the Church
Music Historians and the Non-Use of Instrumental Music in Worship – 1
Music Historians and the Non-Use of Instrumental Music in Worship – 2
Music Historians and the Non-Use of Instrumental Music in Worship – 3
My Responsibility to the Local Church
New Testament Preparations for the Establishing of the Church
New Testament Principles of Worship
Obedience Precedes Acceptable Worship
Obligations to the Church
Observations about the Church
Organization of the Church
Origins of Denominations – 1
Origins of Denominations – 2
Partaking of the Lord’s Supper
Paul with the Church at Troas
Pointing Toward Pentecost
Praise Ye the Lord – 1
Praise Ye the Lord – 2
Preparation for Worship
Proper Attitudes in Worship
Purposes of Prayer
Purposes of Singing
Purposes of Worship
Rescue the Church
Some Earmarks of the Church
Sources for Finding New Members
The Ark & the Church
The Calling Out
The Church – A Divine Institution
The Church – The Called Out
The Church as God Would Have it
The Church as Seen By the Old Testament Prophets
The Church Hell Cannot Stop – 1
The Church Hell Cannot Stop – 2
The Church in Action
The Church in Ephesians 5
The Church is A Bible Subject
The Church of Christ
The Divine Nature of the Church
The Establishment of the Lord’s Church of Christ
The Falling Away
The First Church Was . . .
The First Members of the Church of Christ
The Foundation of Prayer
The Four “D’s” of Worship*
The Glorious Church
The Greatness of the Church
The Lord’s Supper
The Work of the Church – Edification
The Work of the Church – Evangelism
Things That Oppose the Church
Things That Will Destroy a Church
What is the Church?
What it means to be a Member of the Lord’s Church
What Unites the Church?
When a Christian Partakes of the Lord’s Supper
When is a Sermon Successful?
When Worship is Unacceptable
Where Melody is to be made in Singing
Which Church is the Right Church?*
Why Attend Bible Classes
Why Determine When and Where the Church was Established?
Why Do Churches Fail?
Why Preach?
Why Should We Worship God
Why Study About the Church of Christ
Women Needed in the Church
Women NOT Needed in the Church